The Hiram C. Brown, Sr., Memorial Scholarship

The Hiram C. Brown, Sr., Memorial Scholarship

Hiram C. Brown, Sr. was a life-long resident of Cecil County, highly successful musician/pianist with his own promotions business, and social services advocate/employee for the State of Maryland. From working with and developing some of the best known musicians in the music business to helping families in need, Mr. Brown brought a sense of caring and compassion to the lives of all those who knew him.


The Hiram C. Brown, Sr. Memorial Scholarship fund has two primary, but multi-faceted purposes: 1.) To develop and inspire those who wish to pursue a career in the performing arts, and/or 2.) to encourage and inspire those wish to devote their lives to addressing the inequities/challenges of society. Perhaps the best legacy that one can leave behind is a legacy built on compassion, creativity and caring for others. This memorial scholarship seeks to aid the development of those qualities within others who already exhibit promise in one of the aforementioned areas of interest.
In memory of Mr. Brown’s service and dedication, the Board of Social Services/Donaldson Brown Fund will provide an annual match for the Hiram C. Brown Sr. Memorial Scholarship.
